Day 1 of a unit on transcription in RCAH 235: Introduction to Language and Culture Studies (Adapt, Transcribe, Transduce, Translate), Spring Semester 2022.

Guest lecture on Handel’s opera Alcina in IAH 221: Women Warriors, taught by Dr. Valentina Denzel (Romance and Classical Studies), Spring Semester 2018.

Teaching videos

ICYC Podcasts

Students in RCAH 315: Sound Technology in Creative Practice collaborated with youth in the Ingham County Youth Center (ICYC), Lansing’s juvenile detention facility, to create sound recordings. They then took the recordings back to our studio, cataloged them, edited them into polished audio recordings in various styles, and created accompanying artwork or videos. Since photography is not allowed in the ICYC, audio recordings are an especially valuable way to document the voices and creativity of youth there.

Check them out.